Echo-targeting is an online marketing / recruiting program that will deliver online banner ads to each and every visitor to your institution's admissions pages. It's 100% targeted exclusively to your institution's one else. You've invested money and resources to drive potential prospects to your website's admissions pages. Leverage that investment via the echo-targeting program and keep your institution's name, image, and brand in front of these prospects in the online environment in which they're most comfortable. The echo-targeting program will, in real-time, run your institution's banner ads exclusively to your prospect audience while they surf the internet and visit approved websites.
Please explore the website, reach out to one of my client references, or call / email me, Owen Landon, at your convenience. My number is 617.877.6327 (Boston area), my email address is [email protected] and I look forward to our discussing how the echo-targeting program can be of significant benefit to your institution at very little cost.